Boom Rock Dogs
Farm Restoration
In 2023 Boom Rock Farm was registered as a charity project to restore the farmland to native forest and to preserve the wetlands.
The planting programme is already underway, and now we're fundraising to install protective fencing and pedestrian bridges for the wetlands.
We'll let you know when we're hosting planting and bridge building days - dog friendly events of course!
For more information about the project and how you can support it please take a look here - https://opencollective.com/boom-rock-farm-restoration
Along with financial contributions which are needed for our major projects we'd gratefully accept any native plants seedlings, tree stakes or plant protection.
Wombling .... We love it!
We're trying to use repurposed and recycled goods - our latest daycare Fox Cottage is our Wombliest site so far!
Grass and shade sails generously donated from a childcare centre, an end-of-service bus from Mana Coaches, Ken's gazebo, and Tim from Kapiti's old playhouse, Ian's corrugated iron from Palmy, and Inge's windows from Kaitoke, deckchairs, gates, barstools, wheelbarrow, couches - Marketplace bonanza!
On The Farm we're using pallet packers from Mitre 10 for tree stakes, and sliced bicycle inner tubes to tie up the trees, seedling protectors salvaged from the tip, used wool carpet for weedmats, and donated plants.
Electric fleet - oh, how we have dreamed of it! Vans that meet our needs in terms of range, dual doors and price - they're not available or out of reach for now. But definitely in our sights!
In the meantime we're keeping our travel times as short as possible, and our new Fox Cottage vans are hybrids.